RSS Feeds

class Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.channels_rss_endpoint.ChannelModifyRssFeedEndpoint(session, cid, feed_url)[source]

This class is responsible for methods that modify the list of RSS feed URLs (adding/removing feeds).

DELETE /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/rssfeeds/

Delete a RSS feed from your channel. Returns error 404 if the RSS feed that is being removed does not exist. Note that the rss feed url should be URL-encoded.

Example request:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/rssfeeds/

Example response:

    "removed": True
statuscode 404:if the specified RSS URL is not in your feed list.
PUT /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/rssfeeds/

Add a RSS feed to your channel. Returns error 409 if the supplied RSS feed already exists. Note that the rss feed url should be URL-encoded.

Example request:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/rssfeeds/

Example response:

    "added": True
statuscode 409:(conflict) if the specified RSS URL is already present in your feeds.
class Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.channels_rss_endpoint.ChannelsRecheckFeedsEndpoint(session, cid)[source]

This class is responsible for handling requests regarding refreshing rss feeds in your channel.

POST /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/recheckfeeds

Rechecks all rss feeds in your channel. Returns error 404 if you channel does not exist.

Example request:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/recheckrssfeeds

Example response:

    "rechecked": True
statuscode 404:if you have not created a channel.
class Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.channels_rss_endpoint.ChannelsRssFeedsEndpoint(session, cid)[source]

This class is responsible for handling requests regarding rss feeds in a channel.

GET /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)/rssfeeds

Returns the RSS feeds in your channel.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/abcd/rssfeeds

Example response:

    "rssfeeds": [{
        "url": "",
    }, ...]