Discovered channels

class Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.channels_discovered_endpoint.ChannelsDiscoveredEndpoint(session)[source]

This class is responsible for requests regarding the discovered channels.

GET /channels/discovered

A GET request to this endpoint returns all channels discovered in Tribler.

Example request:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered

Example response:

    "channels": [{
        "id": 3,
        "dispersy_cid": "da69aaad39ccf468aba2ab9177d5f8d8160135e6",
        "name": "My fancy channel",
        "description": "A description of this fancy channel",
        "subscribed": False,
        "votes": 23,
        "torrents": 3,
        "spam": 5,
        "modified": 14598395,
        "can_edit": True
    }, ...]
PUT /channels/discovered

Create your own new channel. The passed mode and descriptions are optional. Valid modes include: ‘open’, ‘semi-open’ or ‘closed’. By default, the mode of the new channel is ‘closed’.

Example request:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered
--data "name=fancy name&description=fancy description&mode=open"

Example response:

    "added": 23
statuscode 500:if a channel with the specified name already exists.
class Tribler.Core.Modules.restapi.channels.channels_discovered_endpoint.ChannelsDiscoveredSpecificEndpoint(session, cid)[source]

This class is responsible for dispatching requests to perform operations in a specific discovered channel.

GET /channels/discovered/(string: channelid)

Return the name, description and identifier of a channel.

Example request:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/channels/discovered/4a9cfc7ca9d15617765f4151dd9fae94c8f3ba11

Example response:

    "overview": {
        "name": "My Tribler channel",
        "description": "A great collection of open-source movies",
        "identifier": "4a9cfc7ca9d15617765f4151dd9fae94c8f3ba11"
statuscode 404:if your channel has not been created (yet).