Branching model and development methodology

In this post we’ll explain the branching model and development metodology we use at TUDelft on the Tribler project.

This is mostly targeted at new students joining the team. However, it may give you some useful ideas if you are working on a similar project type.

Branching model

Tribler is developed mainly by university students (mostly MSC and PHDs) that will work on Tribler for a relatively short period of time. So pull requests usually require several review cycles and some of them take a long time to be completed and merged (development of new features are usually part of Master thesis subjects or papers and suchlike). This makes it rather hard to implement anything like traditional unsupervised continuous integration.

Our branching model is similar to the one described at length in Vincent Driessen’s post with some small differences.

Our main repository contains 3 branches:

  • devel: The main development branch; all new features and fixes for them belong here. Every time a new release cycle is started, the next branch gets replaced with a fork of devel.
  • next: This is the stabilization branch where the next major release and subsequent maintenance releases will be tagged from. Only bug fixes for released code are merged here. As you may have guessed there’s no bugfix releases while a feature release is stabilized (simply due to lack of manpower on the project). All the changes applied here here are regularly merged to devel.
  • master: Contains the code of the latest stable release. It gets updated from next after every release.


Every revision that will result in a (pre)release gets tagged with a version number.

Setting up the local repo

  1. Fork Tribler’s upstream repository.
  2. Make a local clone of it:
git clone -o MrStudent --recursive --recurse-submodules --single-branch \
  1. Add the upstream remote:
git remote add upstream

Note that an /HTTPS/ URL is used here instead of an /SSH/ one ( This is done in order to prevent accidental pushes to the main repository. However, it will only work if you don’t set up /HTTPS/ auth for github. Any attempt to push something there and git will ask you for credentials.

  1. Profit!

Working on new features or fixes

  1. Make sure there’s an issue for it and get it assigned to you. If there isn’t, create it yourself. Otherwise you risk your changes not getting accepted upstream or wasting time on changes that are already being worked on by other developers.
  2. Create your feature or bugfix branch. New feature branches can be created like this:
git fetch --all && git checkout upstream/devel -b fix_2344_my_new_feature

For bug fixes:

git fetch --all && git checkout upstream/next -b fix_2344_my_new_bugfix

2344 would be the issue number this branch is dealing with. This makes it trivial to identify the purpose of a branch if one hasn’t had been able to work on it for a while and can’t remember right away.

  1. Create a Pull Request.

It is usually a good idea to create a pull request for a branch even if it’s a work in progress. Doing so will make our Jenkins instance run all the checks, tests and experiments every time you push a change so you can have continuous feedback on the state of your branch.

When creating a PR, always prepend the PR title with WIP until it’s ready for the final round of reviews. More about this on the next section.


  • Always fork directly from upstream’s remote branches as opposed to your own (remote or local) devel or next branches. Those are useless as they will quickly get out of date, so kill them with fire:
git branch -d next
git branch -d devel
  • Once one of your branches has been merged upstream try to always delete them from your remote to avoid cluttering other people’s remote listings (I’ve got around 15 remotes on my local Tribler repos and it can become annoying to look for a particular branch among dozens and dozens of other people’s stale branches). This can be done either from github’s PR web interface by clicking on the “delete branch” button after the merge has been done or with:
git push MrStudent :fix_2344_my_new_bugfix

Getting your changes merged upstream

When you think your PR is complete you need to get at least one peer to review your proposed changes as many times as necessary until it’s ready. If you can’t agree on something add another peer to the discussion to break the tie or talk to the lead developer.

All updates during the review/fix iteration cycles should be made with fixup commits to make it easier for the reviewer(s) to spot the new changes that need review on each iteration. (read the --fixup argument on the git-commit manpage if you don’t know what a fixup commit is).

Once the reviewer gives the OK and the tests and checks are passing, the fixup commits can then be squashed and the WIP prefix can be switched to READY. The lead developer will then do the final review round.

As mentioned before, any requested modifications should come in the form of fixup commits to ease reviewing.

Once the final OK is given, all fixup commits should be squashed and the branch will get merged.

Misc guidelines

  • Keep an eye on the PRs you’ve reviewed
    You will probably learn something from other reviewers and find out what you missed out during yours.
  • Don’t send PR from your remote’s ~devel~ branch
    Use proper names for your branches. It will be more informative and they become part of the merge commit message.
  • Keep it small
    The smaller the PRs are, the less review cycles will be needed and the quicker they will get merged.
  • Try to write as many tests as you can before writing any code
    It will help you think about the problem you are trying to solve and it usually helps to write code that’s easier to test.
  • Have the right amount of commits on your PRs
    Don’t have a feature implementation spread across a gazillion commits. For instance if a given feature requires some refactoring, your history could look like this:
    • “Refactor foo class to allow for bar” (At this point, the code should still work)
    • “Tests for feature $X”
    • “Implement feature $X”
  • Write clean and self contained commits
    Each commit should make sense and be reviewable by itself. It doesn’t make sense to break something on one commit and fix it on another later on in the same PR. It also makes reviews much harder.
  • Avoid unrelated and/or unnecessary modifications
    If you are fixing a bug or implementing a feature, avoid unnecessary refactoring, white space changes, cosmetic code reordering, etc. It will introduce gratuitous merge conflicts to your and others’ branches and make it harder to track changes (for instance with git blame).
  • Don’t rename a file and modify it on the same commit
    If you need to rename and modify a file on the same PR, do so in two commits. This way git will always know what’s going on and it will be easier to track changes across file renames.
  • Don’t send pull requests with merge commits on them
    Always rebase or cherry pick. If a commit on devel introduces merge conflicts in your branch, fix your commits by rebasing not by back merging and creating a conflict resolution commit.
  • If one of your commits fixes an issue, mention it
    Add a “Closes #1234” line to the comment’s body section (from line 3 onwards). This way a reference to this particular commit will be created on the issue itself and once the commit hits the target branch the issue will be closed automatically. If a whole PR is needed to close a particular issue, add the “Closes” comment on the PR body.
  • Capitalize the commit’s subject
    We are civilized people after all :D
  • Write concise commit messages
    If a particular commit deserves a longer explanation, write a short commit message, leave a blank line after it and then go all Shakespeare from the third line (message body) onwards.
  • Read this
    Really, do it.